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estrenos de cine

Edward Hardwicke

Edward Hardwicke

Edward Hardwicke


Filmografía como intérprete:

Amenaza de tormenta (2002)
    ...T.O.: The Gathering Storm

David Copperfield (2000)
    ...T.O.: David Copperfield

María, madre de Jesús (1999)
    ...T.O.: Mary, Mother of Jesus

Elizabeth (1998)
    ...T.O.: Elizabeth

Fotografiando hadas (1997)
    ...T.O.: Photographing Fairies

Ricardo III (1995)
    ...T.O.: Richard III

La letra escarlata (1995)
    ...T.O.: The Scarlet Letter

Tierras de penumbra (1993)
    ...T.O.: Shadowlands

Let Him Have It (1991)
    ...T.O.: Let Him Have It

Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend (1985)
    ...T.O.: Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend

El bunker (1981)
    ...T.O.: The Bunker

Venom (1981)
    ...T.O.: Venom

El molino negro (1974)
    ...T.O.: The Black Windmill

Otley, sin balas y disparando (1968)
    ...T.O.: Otley

Infierno bajo cero (1954)
    ...T.O.: Hell Below Zero

Las caras de la semana

George Clooney

Esta semana, Clooney protagoniza The Descendants.

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